Just as He spoke it from his Hands 1
This Edifice remain-
A Turret more, a Turret less
Dishonor his Design-
According as his skill prefer 5
It perish, or endure-
Content, soe'er, it ornament
His absent character.
This Edifice remain-
A Turret more, a Turret less
Dishonor his Design-
According as his skill prefer 5
It perish, or endure-
Content, soe'er, it ornament
His absent character.
[1] He:: the United States of America. Hands:: ways of doing things.
[2] Edifice:: an elegant large house, the United States Capitol.
[3] Turret more, less:: the Capitol was partially destroyed by the British in 1814, and expanded in the 1850s.
[4] Dishonor his Design:: the country's design, "all men are created equal" has been dishonored by the building's turrets, without equal height.
[6] endure:: to tolerate the design of "created equal."
[7] Content, ornament:: to please whatsoever its ornament to cover his absent character.
[8] absent character:: this poem was written in 1865, the year American Civil War ended, but the slavery system remained.