Immortal is an ample word 1
When what we need is by
But when it leaves us for a time
'Tis a necessity.
Of Heaven above the firmest proof 5
We fundamental know
Except for its marauding Hand
It had been Heaven below.
When what we need is by
But when it leaves us for a time
'Tis a necessity.
Of Heaven above the firmest proof 5
We fundamental know
Except for its marauding Hand
It had been Heaven below.
[1] Immortal:: death, immortal after death.
[2] by:: something of minor importance; normal things comapring to immortal.
[3] leaves us:: after we live a long time.
[4] necessity:: no one can avoid, a hint on death.
[5] Heaven:: where good people go after death.
[6] fundamental:: the basis of Christian faith.
[7] marauding Hand:: the plague, war, sickness that plunder the world.
[8] Heaven below:: below the sky, our mundain world.