I was a Phebe nothing more — Deaconess

I was a Phebe-nothing more-1
A Phebe-nothing less-
The little note that others dropt
I fitted into place-

I dwelt too low that any seek-5
Too shy, that any blame-
A Phebe makes a little print
Upon the Floors of Fame-
[1] Phebe:: a deaconess (New Testament), a woman chosen as a helper in church work. "I commend unto you Phebe our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea." (Romans 16:1)
[3] note:: a piece of paper.
[4] fitted into place:: as part of the church work.
[7] a little print:: an insignificant record.
[8] Floors:: those who sit on the floor, as opposed to those who occupy elevated seats in token of rank or dignity (OED 1c). Floors of Fame:: memebers of less fame in Bible. Phebe was recorded in Romans 16:1–2 only once.