I many times thought Peace had come 1
When Peace was far away-
As Wrecked Men-deem they sight the Land-
At Centre of the Sea-
And struggle slacker-but to prove 5
As hopelessly as I-
How many the fictitious Shores-
Before the Harbor be-
When Peace was far away-
As Wrecked Men-deem they sight the Land-
At Centre of the Sea-
And struggle slacker-but to prove 5
As hopelessly as I-
How many the fictitious Shores-
Before the Harbor be-
[1] I:: a black slave who came to America by sea.
[3] as Wrecked Men:: the slave's life like wrecked men.
[4] Sea:: a hint on travel by sea; European immigrant and African slave, both came by sea and both had a hard life.
[5] slacker but to prove:: as a black slave. The use of "slacker but" hints at "but blacker."
[7] Shores:: supports.
[8] Harbor:: a shelter.