I cannot live with You — Chrism

I cannot live with You-1
It would be Life-
And Life is over there-
Behind the Shelf

The Sexton keeps the Key to-5
Putting up
Our Life-His Porcelain-
Like a Cup-

Discarded of the Housewife-9
Quaint-or Broke-
A newer Sevres pleases-
Old Ones crack-

I could not die-with You-13
For One must wait
To shut the Other's Gaze down-
You-could not-

And I-Could I stand by 17
And see You-freeze-
Without my Right of Frost-
Death's privilege?

Nor could I rise-with You-21
Because Your Face
Would put out Jesus'-
That New Grace

Glow plain-and foreign 25
On my homesick Eye-
Except that You than He
Shone closer by-

They'd judge Us-How- 29
For You-served Heaven-You know,
Or sought to-
I could not-

Because You saturated Sight-33
And I had no more Eyes
For sordid excellence
As Paradise

And were You lost, I would be-37
Though My Name
Rang loudest
On the Heavenly fame-

And were You-saved-41
And I-condemned to be
Where You were not-
That self-were Hell to Me-

So We must meet apart-45
You there-I-here-
With just the Door ajar
That Oceans are-and Prayer-
And that White Sustenance-
[1] I:: chrism, consecrated oil, pure or scented olive oil. You:: communion wine. live with:: to mix.
[2] Life:: the availability, usefulness.
[7, 8] Porcelain, Cup:: the vessel to keep the oil and wine.
[9–12] Discarded, Old:: the vessel is old.
[13] die:: to be used up.
[15] shut, Gaze:: chrism is used in the anointing of the sick (or extreme unction).
[18] freeze:: to keep still.
[19] Frost:: frigidity, coldness.
[20] Death:: without ferment in chrism, unlike wine.
[21] rise:: to leaven, ferment.
[23, 24] Jesus', New Grace:: communion wine as the Blood of Christ.
[26] homesick eye:: where olive tree grown.
[34] eyes:: buds, the ability to bloom.
[35, 36] sordid excellence, Paradise:: the death of olives to make oil for chrism.
[37] You lost:: wine with alcohol thought less.
[38] my name:: chrism is close to Christ.
[41–44] saved, Hell:: wine goes with new life, and chrism with death usually.
[49] White Sustenance:: communion bread.