Experience is the Angled Road — Experience Table

Experience is the Angled Road 1
Preferred against the Mind
By-Paradox-the Mind itself-
Presuming it to lead

Quite Opposite-How Complicate 5
The Discipline of Man-
Compelling Him to Choose Himself
His Preappointed Pain-
[1] Experience:: experience table, a table of mortality computed from the experience of one or more life-assurance companies (OED 9, 1879); the term was used already in 1847. Angle:: to use artful or wily means to catch a person or thing (OED v.1 2). Angled Road:: an artful method.
[2] Preferred:: chosen by preference. against the Mind:: numbers in the table matched not with one's mind.
[3] Paradox:: if one is serious about the experience table, he needs no insurance.
[4] to lead:: to follow the insurance company's policy based on the table.
[5] Opposite:: hostile, unfriendly, since the table is about death. Complicate:: the experience table isn't easy.
[6] Discipline:: a system or method for the maintenance of order (OED 5b).
[7] Compelling Him, Choose:: forcing the insured to choose his rate.
[8] Preappointed Pain:: the insurance fee based on his rate.

The results of this inquiry form the 'Experience Table.' When the General Registration of Births and Deaths was established, a confident expectation of valuable information on British mortality was entertained. ─ The Edinburgh Review (1859)