Except the Heaven had come so near-1
So seemed to choose My Door-
The Distance would not haunt me so-
I had not hoped-before-
But just to hear the Grace depart-5
I never thought to see-
Afflicts me with a Double loss-
'Tis lost-and lost to me-
So seemed to choose My Door-
The Distance would not haunt me so-
I had not hoped-before-
But just to hear the Grace depart-5
I never thought to see-
Afflicts me with a Double loss-
'Tis lost-and lost to me-
[3] Distance:: the distance between two players in the game Graces.
[5] Grace:: a game called La Grace, the Flying Circle, or Graces.
[7] Afflicts:: troubles.
[8] lost:: failed to catch the hoop with rods. lost to me:: the hoop hit the body.
LA GRACE. This is a new game, common in Germany, but introduced into this country from France. It derives its name from the graceful attitudes which it occasions. Two sticks are held in the hands, across each other, like open scissors: the object is to throw and catch a small hoop upon these sticks. The hoop to be bound with silk, or ribbon, according to fancy. The game is played by two persons-When trying to catch the hoop, the sticks are held like scissors shut; and opened when the hoop is thrown from you. In America it is called The Graces, or The Flying Circle. ─ The Girl's Own Book (1835)