Ended, ere it begun — Editor

Ended, ere it begun-1
The Title was scarcely told
When the Preface perished from Consciousness
The Story, unrevealed-

Had it been mine, to print! 5
Had it been yours, to read!
That it was not Our privilege
The interdict of God-
[1] Ended, it begun:: the publishing of her book never begun.
[2] Title:: Dickinson did provide some titles, but they tell little.
[3] Preface:: an introduction. perished from Consciousness:: she removed the introduction of her poems due to her consciousness.
[4] Story unrevealed:: her true story in the poems are not revealed.
[5] it, print:: if her book is published.
[6] yours:: reader's.
[7, 8] Our privilege, God:: a godlike power is not belong to us.