What if I say I shall not wait! 1
What if I burst the fleshly Gate-
And pass escaped-to thee!
What if I file this Mortal-off-4
See where it hurt me-That's enough-
And wade in Liberty!
They cannot take me-any more! 7
Dungeons can call-and Guns implore
Unmeaning-now-to me-
As laughter-was-an hour ago-10
Or Laces-or a Travelling Show-
Or who died-yesterday!
What if I burst the fleshly Gate-
And pass escaped-to thee!
What if I file this Mortal-off-4
See where it hurt me-That's enough-
And wade in Liberty!
They cannot take me-any more! 7
Dungeons can call-and Guns implore
Unmeaning-now-to me-
As laughter-was-an hour ago-10
Or Laces-or a Travelling Show-
Or who died-yesterday!
[1–3] I:: Hester Prynne, a woman raised an illegitimate child, but refused to reveal her lover's identity.
[3] thee:: Arthur Dimmesdale, a minister.
[6] Liberty:: Hester tried to persuade her lover to escape. "Why shouldst thou tarry so much as one other day in the torments that have so gnawed into thy life!-that have made thee feeble to will and to do!-that will leave thee powerless even to repent! Up, and away!"
[7–9] Unmeaning:: her lover didn't go away with her, but chose to die.
[10, 11] laughter, Show:: Hester's sufferings were unmeaninful to her, for her lover died.