We'll pass without the parting 1
So to spare
Certificate of Absence-
Deeming where
I left Her I could find Her 5
If I tried-
This way, I keep from missing
Those that died.
So to spare
Certificate of Absence-
Deeming where
I left Her I could find Her 5
If I tried-
This way, I keep from missing
Those that died.
[1] pass without the parting:: to miss a class without leaving classroom, to daydream in a class.
[2, 3] spare Certificate of Absence:: to avoid a record of truancy.
[4] Deeming where:: knowing where to find herself, her body.
[5] I left Her:: I (my mind) left her (my body).
[6] tried:: tried to daydream.
[7] keep from missing:: to avoid not to attend (those dead lessons).
[8] died:: obsolete knowledge.