We Cover Thee-Sweet Face-1
Not that We tire of Thee-
But that Thyself fatigue of Us-
Remember-as Thou go-
We follow Thee until 5
Thou notice Us-no more-
And then-reluctant-turn away
To Con Thee o'er and o'er-
And blame the scanty love 9
We were Content to show-
Augmented-Sweet-a Hundred fold-
If Thou would'st take it-now-
Not that We tire of Thee-
But that Thyself fatigue of Us-
Remember-as Thou go-
We follow Thee until 5
Thou notice Us-no more-
And then-reluctant-turn away
To Con Thee o'er and o'er-
And blame the scanty love 9
We were Content to show-
Augmented-Sweet-a Hundred fold-
If Thou would'st take it-now-
[1] Thee:: the flag of the United States
[3] Us:: a hint on U.S.
[4] go:: to rise the flag.
[5] follow:: to trace by the eyes.
[11] fold:: a hint on the flag.