They leave us with the Infinite. 1
But He-is not a man-
His fingers are the size of fists-
His fists, the size of men-
And whom he foundeth, with his Arm 5
As Himmaleh, shall stand-
Gibraltar's Everlasting Shoe
Poised lightly on his Hand,
So trust him, Comrade-9
You for you, and I, for you and me
Eternity is ample,
And quick enough, if true.
But He-is not a man-
His fingers are the size of fists-
His fists, the size of men-
And whom he foundeth, with his Arm 5
As Himmaleh, shall stand-
Gibraltar's Everlasting Shoe
Poised lightly on his Hand,
So trust him, Comrade-9
You for you, and I, for you and me
Eternity is ample,
And quick enough, if true.
[1] They:: gods in Greek myth. the Infinite:: the boundless (lives, world) created by gods.
[2] He, not a man:: Atlas, a Titan.
[3, 4] fingers, fists:: Description of the Titan.
[5–8] Himmaleh, Gibraltar:: in the myth, Atlas supported the heavens in his shoulder.
[11] Eternity:: the eternal truth of the world in the myth.
[12] quick:: alive, opposed to dead. if true:: if the myth is true, then the human's life isn't boring anymore.