There are two Ripenings one of sight — October Ale

There are two Ripenings-one-of sight-1
Whose forces Spheric wind
Until the Velvet product
Drop spicy to the ground-

A homelier maturing-5
A process in the Bur-
That teeth of Frosts alone disclose
In far October Air.
[1] Ripenings, one of sight:: the first ripening is the outlook of barley.
[4] Drop, ground:: barlet dropped.
[5, 6] maturing, process:: the second ripening is the fermenting.
[7] teeth:: means of enforcement; destructive acts.
[8] October:: October ale, the ale brewed in October. Air:: a hint on ale.

Rushing then with all his force against the fatal hogshead full of October ale and Hugh Tarpaulin, he rolled it over and over in an instant. ─ King Pest, The works of the late Edgar Allan Poe (1850)

The 'October Club,' so called from the devotion of its members, mostly honest country gentlemen below the rank of nobles, to the famous October ale, the favourite beverage of all but courtiers, was instituted for party purposes, and comprehended almost a third of the Commons. ─ The Christian Remembrancer (1857)