The Drop, that wrestles in the Sea — Stage Setting

The Drop, that wrestles in the Sea-1
Forgets her own locality-
As I-toward Thee-

She knows herself an incense small-4
Yet small-she sighs-if All-is All-
How larger-be?

The Ocean-smiles-at her Conceit-7
But she, forgetting Amphitrite-
[1] Drop:: a part on the stage playing the water, with many drops (small hanging ornaments) on her costume; a walk-on. Sea:: a large body of water as the background of the stage.
[2] locality:: the position on the stage.
[3] I:: a player. Thee:: a character in the play.
[5] All is All:: all she does is only the setting.
[6] larger:: her role cannot be performed better.
[7] Ocean:: ocean god Poseidon, a player on stage. conceit:: fancy article (OED n. 9) on her costume. smiles at:: sneers at her costume.
[8] Amphitrite:: Poseidon's wife, another player.
[9] "Me":: she thought Poseidon was smiling at her friendly.