That first Day, when you praised Me, Sweet, 1
And said that I was strong-
And could be mighty, if I liked-
That Day-the Days among-
Glows Central-like a Jewel 5
Between Diverging Golds-
The Minor One-that gleamed behind-
And Vaster-of the World's.
And said that I was strong-
And could be mighty, if I liked-
That Day-the Days among-
Glows Central-like a Jewel 5
Between Diverging Golds-
The Minor One-that gleamed behind-
And Vaster-of the World's.
[2] I was strong:: a diamond.
[5] Glows:: sparklings of the diamond.
[6] Golds, behind:: the diamond supported by a gold ring.
[8] Vaster:: higher in dollar amount. World's:: the world's treasures.