Some Work for Immortality — Mendicant Friar

Some-Work for Immortality-1
The Chiefer part, for Time-
The former-Checks-on Fame-

Slow Gold-but Everlasting-5
The Bullion of Today-
Contrasted with the Currency
Of Immortality-

A Beggar-Here and There-9
Is gifted to discern
Beyond the Broker's insight-
One's-Money-One's-the Mine -
[1] Some Work for Immortality:: some religious believers, devotees.
[2] Chifer, Time:: most people work for present time.
[4] former:: those believers.
[9] Beggar:: applied to a mendicant friar or to a Beghard (OED 5). Here and There:: a begging friar who wanders around.
[12] Mine:: a source of eternal fame.