She lay as if at play 1
Her life had leaped away-
Intending to return-
But not so soon-
Her merry Arms, half dropt-5
As if for lull of sport-
An instant had forgot-
The Trick to start-
Her dancing Eyes-ajar-9
As if their Owner were
Still sparkling through
For fun-at you-
Her Morning at the door-10
Devising, I am sure-
To force her sleep-
So light-so deep-
Her life had leaped away-
Intending to return-
But not so soon-
Her merry Arms, half dropt-5
As if for lull of sport-
An instant had forgot-
The Trick to start-
Her dancing Eyes-ajar-9
As if their Owner were
Still sparkling through
For fun-at you-
Her Morning at the door-10
Devising, I am sure-
To force her sleep-
So light-so deep-
[2] leaped:: the animal leaps.
[6] lull of sport:: and loves to play.
[12] fun at you:: and plays with you.
[13, 15] Morning, force, sleep:: and sleeps in daytime.