Light is sufficient to itself — Meditation

Light is sufficient to itself-1
If Others want to see
It can be had on Window Panes
Some Hours in the Day.

But not for Compensation-
It holds as large a Glow
To Squirrel in the Himmaleh
Precisely, as to you.
[1] Light:: with reference to mental illumination or elucidation (OED 6).
[3] be, on Window Panes:: to stare and meditate; there is nothing on window panes.
[4] Hours:: doing nothing for hours a day but meditating.
[5] compensation:: not to regreat or lament something we did before.
[6] Glow:: brilliance, ingenuity.
[7] Squirrel:: one who seeks all the time without resting some hours. Himmaleh:: a high mountain with only snow at its top.
[8] as to you:: one who seeks always without thinking.