I had been hungry, all the Years — Les Miserables

I had been hungry, all the Years-1
My Noon had Come-to dine-
I trembling drew the Table near-
And touched the Curious Wine-

'Twas this on Tables I had seen-5
When turning, hungry, Home
I looked in Windows, for the Wealth
I could not hope-for Mine-

I did not know the ample Bread-9
'Twas so unlike the Crumb
The Birds and I, had often shared
In Nature's-Dining Room-

The Plenty hurt me-'twas so new-13
Myself felt ill-and odd-
As Berry-of a Mountain Bush-
Transplanted-to a Road-

Nor was I hungry-so I found 17
That Hunger-was a way
Of Persons outside Windows-
The Entering-takes away-
[1–4] I had been hungry:: the narrator was poor, but rich now. Jean Valjean was in prison for stealing bread, and then became rich as a factory owner.
[5–12] I could not hope:: he remembered the hunger before.
[13–16] The Plenty hurt me:: the comparison of hungry and plenty hurt him.
[17–20] Nor was I hungry:: food was on table but he felt no more hungry. Hunger makes crime.