Unworthy of her Breast
Though by that scathing test
What Soul survive?
By her exacting light
How counterfeit the white
We chiefly have!
Though by that scathing test
What Soul survive?
By her exacting light
How counterfeit the white
We chiefly have!
[1] her:: Imogen, the daughter of Cymbeline. Iachimo (an Italian) bet with Imogen's husband that he can enjoy "the dearest bodily part" of Imogen. Breast:: her breast has a mole, known by Iachimo to cheat her husband. Both words, Breast and Worthy, appear in the play. Unworthy of her Breast:: Imogen's husband is unworthy of her love. Dickinson's comment on the test.
[2] scathing test:: indicating the bet between Imogen's husband and Iachimo.
[3] Soul survive?:: what soul would be left by Imogen after the test.
[4] light:: view, concept.
[5] white:: the ignorance of man; the purity of wife to her man.
[6] We chiefly have:: the world's demand of a wife's purity.
IACHIMO: under her Breast (Worthy her pressing) lies a Mole, right proud of that most delicate Lodging. ─ The Tragedy of Cymbeline (1623)