Unworthy of her Breast — Imogen

Unworthy of her Breast
Though by that scathing test
What Soul survive?
By her exacting light
How counterfeit the white
We chiefly have!
[1] her:: Imogen, the daughter of Cymbeline. Iachimo (an Italian) bet with Imogen's husband that he can enjoy "the dearest bodily part" of Imogen. Breast:: her breast has a mole, known by Iachimo to cheat her husband. Both words, Breast and Worthy, appear in the play. Unworthy of her Breast:: Imogen's husband is unworthy of her love. Dickinson's comment on the test.
[2] scathing test:: indicating the bet between Imogen's husband and Iachimo.
[3] Soul survive?:: what soul would be left by Imogen after the test.
[4] light:: view, concept.
[5] white:: the ignorance of man; the purity of wife to her man.
[6] We chiefly have:: the world's demand of a wife's purity.

IACHIMO: under her Breast (Worthy her pressing) lies a Mole, right proud of that most delicate Lodging. ─ The Tragedy of Cymbeline (1623)