The Juggler's Hat her Country is — Lessons from the Gorse

The Juggler's Hat her Country is-
The Mountain Gorse-the Bee's!
[1] Juggler's Hat:: a secret place with many tricks. her Country:: her territory (poetry) is with many tricks.
[2] Mountain Gorse:: an invasive plant with yellow flowers; and the subject of the poem "Lessons from the Gorse" by Browning about "To win the secret of a weed's plain heart." Bee's country is the mountain gorse. Man of fantasy (bee) can win the secret of her poems.

"To win the secret of a weed's plain heart." LOWELL (James Russell Lowell)
Mountain gorses, ever-golden,
Cankered not the whole year long!
Do ye teach us to be strong,
Howsoever pricked and holden
Like your thorny blooms, and so
Trodden on by rain and snow,
Up the hill-side of this life, as bleak as where ye grow?
Garden Walks with the Poets (1852) by Elizabeth Barrett Browning