"Speech"-is a prank of Parliament-1
"Tears"-is a trick of the nerve-
But the Heart with the heaviest freight on-
"Tears"-is a trick of the nerve-
But the Heart with the heaviest freight on-
[1] Speech:: noise. prank:: erratic actions of machines (OED prank n.2 d, 1692). Parliament:: parliament hinge, a hinge with strong support (OED parliament n.1 9, 1841). The word Parliament appears twice in Johnson 852 and 688.
[2] Tears:: acts of splitting, the operating principle of a hinge. nerve:: the rod inside the barrel of a hinge.
[3] Heart:: the joint or barrel of a hinge.
the Hinge is in all respects the same as the common hinges, called parliament hinges ─ Register of Arts, and Journal of Patent Inventions, Volume I (1824)