Once more, my now bewildered Dove — Saint Columba

Once more, my now bewildered Dove 1
Bestirs her puzzled wings
Once more her mistress, on the deep
Her troubled question flings-

Thrice to the floating casement 5
The Patriarch's bird returned,
Courage! My brave Columba!
There may yet be Land
[3] the deep:: the prison. Columba of Sens fled Spain for Gaul (modern France) to escape the persecutions of Emperor Aurelian. She was located and imprisoned.
[1–4] Dove:: about Columba of Sens (257–273).
[7] Columba:: a clue for Saint Columba and Columba of Sens.
[8] Land:: In 563, Saint Columba travelled to Scotland, first landed at the southern tip of the Kintyre peninsula, then moved further north up the west coast of Scotland.
[5–8] Columba:: Saint Columba (521–597).

A.D.563. The voyage of Saint Columba from Ireland to the island of Iona, in the forty-second year of his age. ─ Collectanea de Rebus Albanicis (1847)