Oh Future! thou secreted peace 1
Or subterranean woe-
Is there no wandering route of grace
That leads away from thee-
No circuit sage of all the course 5
Descried by cunning Men
To balk thee of thy sacred Prey-
Advancing to thy Den-
Or subterranean woe-
Is there no wandering route of grace
That leads away from thee-
No circuit sage of all the course 5
Descried by cunning Men
To balk thee of thy sacred Prey-
Advancing to thy Den-
[1] Future:: futures, trading of commodity for future delivery.
[2] subterranean:: hiding underground, cornered the commodity. woe:: a disaster.
[3] wandering route of grace:: a better way to delivery.
[7] sacred Prey:: a prey on consumers under protection.
[8] Den:: the place commodity being cornered.
CAN "CORNERS" BE PREVENTED? Among the numerous investigations now being conducted by committees of the State Legislature is one which seeks a remedy for the evils of speculation in the commodities that constitute the staples of legitimate trade. The Senate committee having this subject in hand held a meeting in this City on Saturday and took the testimony of two prominent railroad men. It was stated that combinations for controlling the market often raise or depress the price of certain necessaries of life from 30 to 50 per cent., deranging the calculations of legitimate dealers and working injustice to consumers for the profit of successful speculators. The grain supply at Chicago is said to be "cornered" and held at such prices as practically to put a stop to the export movement. ─ New York Times (April 10, 1882)