Not seeing, still we know- 1
Not knowing, guess-
Not guessing, smile and hide
And half caress-
And quake-and turn away, 5
Seraphic fear-
Is Eden's innuendo
"If you dare"?
Not knowing, guess-
Not guessing, smile and hide
And half caress-
And quake-and turn away, 5
Seraphic fear-
Is Eden's innuendo
"If you dare"?
[1] we:: Adam and Eve, hinted by Eden in line seven. Not seeing:: their eyes were not opened before they ate the fruit.
[2] Not knowing:: sex was unknown to them.
[3] Not guessing:: they guessed no more and started to make love.
[4] half caress:: the other half would be sexual intercourse.
[5] quake:: to shake and quiver, the orgasm. turn away:: after that, Adam and Eve avoided to see God, and God sent him forth from the garden of Eden.
[6] Seraphic fear:: a fear related to purity.
[7] Eden's innuendo:: sex; Eden hints at Adam and Eve.
[8] "If you dare"?:: a challenge.