Nor Mountain hinder Me — Eagle

Nor Mountain hinder Me
Nor Sea-
Who's Baltic-
Who's Cordillera?
[1, 2] Mountain, Sea:: a hint on mountain-eagle and sea-eagle.
[3, 4] Who's Baltic, Cordillera?:: the two names mean nothing to the eagle.

Washington Sea-eagle. It was in the month of February, 1814, that I obtained the first sight of this noble bird, and never shall I forget the delight which it gave mc. Not even Herschel, when he discovered the planet which bears his name, could have experienced more rapturous feelings. ─ The Birds of America (1840)

Mountain Eagle. This bird is described as being of a large size, standing in height about five feet. In the plate it appears to be wholly of a brownish lead-colour, with a wax-coloured cere, reaching to the eye; the feathers of the crown long enough to form a kind of crest, which is rufous yellow at the tip; ends of the wing coverts dull rufous; the bill is pale dusky brown; quills and tail nearly of equal lengths, the latter pointed; legs cinereous yellow. ─ A General History of Birds (1821)