Morning means Milking-to the Farmer — Morning Knowledge

"Morning"-means "Milking"-to the Farmer-1
Dawn-to the Teneriffe-
Dice-to the Maid-
Morning means just Risk-to the Lover-
Just revelation-to the Beloved-

Epicures-date a Breakfast-by it-6
Brides-an Apocalypse-
Worlds-a Flood-
Faint-going Lives-Their Lapse from Sighing-
Faith-The Experiment of Our Lord
[1-10]:: This poem talks about Morning-knowledge, "according to St. Augustine and Aquinas, the knowledge of things in their causes or Divine archetypal ideas, as opposed to evening knowledge, which is of things in their actual nature" (OED morning 9).
[1] Morning:: morning knowledge, the knowledge of the origin or cause. Milking:: milk, to drain away the contents of (OED 4a). Farmer:: an ignorant rustic; a stupid or gauche person (OED 7c).
[2] Dawn, Teneriffe:: first sunlight to an island because of the location.
[3] Dice, Maid:: a gamble (risk) to a maid for her innocence.
[4, 5] Risk, Lover:: to dig the origin of the beloved is risky for the lover, who may only need to know what is revealed.
[6] date:: to trace the origin from a certain time. Epicures, Breakfast:: gluttons originate from the first meal of a day. by it:: by the morning knowledge.
[7] Brides, Apocalypse:: many explanations possible; e.g., Eve was the first bride after her revelation.
[8] Worlds, a Flood:: Flood, a disaster as human beings' morning.
[9, 10] Faith, Experiment:: God's test as the origin of Christian faith.

And so the Schools also have thought fit to say after him, in the account which they give us of that Morning-knowledge which they ascribe to the Angels. Well, but now, if the eternal World and Wisdom of God be the Light of Angels, why should it not also be the Light of Men, and if they see by it why should not we too? ─ An Essay towards the Theory of the Ideal or Intelligible World (1704)