I've got an arrow here — Cupid's Arrow

I've got an arrow here. 1
Loving the hand that sent it
I the dart revere.

Fell, they will say, in "skirmish"! 4
Vanquished, my soul will know
By but a simple arrow
Sped by an archer's bow.
[1] arrow:: Cupid's arrow.
[3] dart revere:: she loved the hurt of arrow (dart) on her.
[4] Fell:: became feeble or faint by the arrow. skirmish:: an encounter, as in Shakespeare, Much ado about Nothing, "there's a skirmish of wit between them," to describe Beatrice and Benedick before they fell in love.
[5] Vanquished:: overcame the arrow (to reject the love).
[7] archer:: a man of Sagittarius sign. bow:: a bending of the body to show civility or reverence.