Heart, not so heavy as mine 1
Wending late home-
As it passed my window
Whistled itself a tune-
A careless snatch-a ballad-5
A ditty of the street-
Yet to my irritated Ear
An Anodyne so sweet-
It was as if a Bobolink 9
Sauntering this way
Carolled, and paused, and carolled-
Then bubbled slow away!
It was as if a chirping brook 13
Upon a dusty way-
Set bleeding feet to minuets
Without the knowing why!
Tomorrow, night will come again-17
Perhaps, weary and sore-
Ah Bugle! By my window
I pray you pass once more.
Wending late home-
As it passed my window
Whistled itself a tune-
A careless snatch-a ballad-5
A ditty of the street-
Yet to my irritated Ear
An Anodyne so sweet-
It was as if a Bobolink 9
Sauntering this way
Carolled, and paused, and carolled-
Then bubbled slow away!
It was as if a chirping brook 13
Upon a dusty way-
Set bleeding feet to minuets
Without the knowing why!
Tomorrow, night will come again-17
Perhaps, weary and sore-
Ah Bugle! By my window
I pray you pass once more.
[1, 4] Heart, Whistled itself:: the mood of a cat.
[9–16] as if a Bobolink, chirping brook:: description of the cat's murmuring.
[17] night:: a hint on night cat.
[19] Bugle:: caterwauling of a cat.
Crosus (that was the cat's name) did not now what to make of it. . . . gave vent to such a tremendous M-I-A-U, that all the children started , and little Minnie screamed and said, "My! what a bad night cat." ─ The New Night-caps (1862);