Flowers Well-if anybody — Menses

Flowers-Well-if anybody 1
Can the ecstasy define-
Half a transport-half a trouble-
With which flowers humble men:
Anybody find the fountain
From which floods so contra flow-
I will give him all the Daisies
Which upon the hillside blow.

Too much pathos in their faces 9
For a simple breast like mine-
Butterflies from St. Domingo
Cruising round the purple line-
Have a system of aesthetics-
Far superior to mine.
[1] Flowers:: the menstrual discharge (OED n. 2b).
[5] find:: to perceive, understand.
[6] Contra:: contrary, in opposition; the blood should flow inside the body, not outside.
[9] their:: those who can perceive.
[12] purple:: a) imperial, grand; b) blood-red, a hint on menses. line:: a route, path.
[13] system:: a) a regular method, the migration of butterflies; b) body system, the periodic flow of blood from female generative organs.