Witchcraft has not a Pedigree — Revival Meeting

Dickinson's death-like poems are never really about death. Mourner means sinner in a revival meeting. Sometimes revival may sound like witchcraft, "in depreciatory use in reference to the excitement and extravagance which tend to accompany such movements" (OED 3b).

Witchcraft has not a Pedigree 1
'Tis early as our Breath
And mourners meet it going out
The moment of our death-
[1] Witchcraft:: an art of magic in a revival meeting.
[2] early, Breath:: this art as part of the performer's nature.
[3] mourners:: sinners, a term used in the revival meeting. going out:: performing the reviving.
[4] our death:: death of the sinful selves in the meeting.

Three Hours in a Revival Meeting. . . . the audience was again addressed, a hymn sung, and "mourners" were entreated to come up to the altar.——Southern Pioneer and Philadelphia Liberalist (1835)

A great revival meeting, with all the modern mourner's bench machinery, approaches. Peter is asked to preach — and he preaches precisely the same doctrine that he did on the day of Pentecost. Sinners are pierced to the heart,——The British Millennial Harbinger (1859)