A South Wind-has a pathos 1
Of individual Voice-
As One detect on Landings
An Emigrant's address.
A Hint of Ports and Peoples-5
And much not understood-
The fairer-for the farness-
And for the foreignhood.
Of individual Voice-
As One detect on Landings
An Emigrant's address.
A Hint of Ports and Peoples-5
And much not understood-
The fairer-for the farness-
And for the foreignhood.
[1] South:: the southern states of America. Wind:: act of twisting.
[2] individual Voice:: one's opinion, something slaves don't have.
[3] Landings:: the arrival of slaves.
[4] An Emigrant's address:: speech by a slave owner who came earlier to America.
[5] Ports:: styles of living (OED n.4 2a). Peoples:: races.
[6] not understood:: slaves didn't understand the speech, and why this land wasn't fairer.
[7, 8] fairer, farness, foreignhood:: America was the far and foreign land for slaves, who thought the country would be fairer.