Image of Light, Adieu — Lighthouse

This poem uses the function of a lighthouse to tell the style of Dickinson's poetry.

Image of Light, Adieu-
Thanks for the interview-
So long-so short-
Preceptor of the whole-
Coeval Cardinal-
[1] Light:: a lighthouse (OED n. 5d).
[2] interview:: function of the lighthouse.
[3] long, short:: duration of the light when viewed from a fixed point.
[4] Preceptor, whole:: guidance of ships.
[6] Impart, Depart:: traffic of ships.

Riddle Poem

[1] Light:: a particular view on a subject.
[2] interview:: Dickinson had experienced that view and put in her poems.
[3] long, short:: long in expecting others to see, short in her writing life that no one did understand.
[4] Preceptor, whole:: all her poems follow this style.
[5] Coeval Cardinal:: a contemporary prime work, her belief in her poetry.
[6] Impart, Depart:: to impart thoughts and depart them by riddles at the same time in her poems.