We play at Paste — Consecrated Bread

Pearl has the definition of a particle of consecrated bread, which Dickinson was practising to make it with sands. She found a new way by dropping it like a fool, with similar opinion to the consecration.

We play at Paste-1
Till qualified, for Pearl-
Then, drop the Paste-
And deem ourself a fool-

The Shapes-though-were similar-5
And our new Hands
Learned Gem-Tactics-
Practicing Sands-
[1] Paste:: any composition or mixture containing just enough moisture to render it soft and plastic (OED 3a); the sands in line eight.
[2] Pearl:: a small particle of the consecrated bread (OED n.1 11).
[3] drop:: to drop "a crumb of the consecrated bread was considered a crime."
[3, 4] drop, fool:: to flatten the paste by dropping it (with intention) like a fool.
[4] fool:: fool in the bread making and consecration.
[5] Shapes, similar:: the shape of the sand paste and consecrated bread.
[6] new Hands:: not habituated, unaccustomed skill in paste and consecration.
[7] Gem Tactics:: priceless art in battles. To drop the paste on the ground isn't friendly.
[8] Sands:: a sandy soil, chiefly in plural form (OED n.2 1d).

As the Fathers tell us, to drop negligently a crumb of the consecrated bread was considered a crime; and that the name of "pearl," which was given to the smallest fragment, showed that it was so precious in a Christian's eye, that he would part with all he possessed to rescue it from sacrilegious profanation.——Fabiola; or, The Church of the Catacombs (1860)