Dying at my music — Poetry

Dickinson's poems hide her vials and show only what the society can accept.

Dying at my music!
Bubble! Bubble!
Hold me till the Octave's run!
Quick! Burst the Windows!
Phials left, and the Sun!
[1] Dying:: desiring extremely; ceasing. my music:: Dickinson's harmonic words. music:: sounds in melodic or harmonic combination, whether produced by voice or instruments (OED 2a).
[2] Bubble, Bubble:: to arise and disguise her affection. Bubble:: to arise or issue like bubbles (OED 2). Bubble:: to delude with bubbles; to befool, cheat, humbug (OED 5).
[3] Octave:: a stanza of eight lines. Hold:: to catch the meaning; to endure, bear.
[4] Quick:: to stir up, inspire (OED 2b). Windows:: views of the reader.
[5] Ritardando:: retardation, a slackening of her affection.
[6] Phials:: same as vials; sealed wrath, sullen emotions. "Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth." (Revelation 16:1) the Sun:: what can be shown to the society.