My Maker let me be — Poet

My Maker-let me be
Enamored most of thee-
But nearer this
I more should miss-
[1] Maker:: a poet (OED 5). me:: a poem made by the poet.
[2] most:: the poem reflects the most of the poet.
[3] nearer:: the closer the poem to the poet.
[4] miss:: to wonder; to fail to reach the readers.

Creator-Maker-Poet-is His name, Not ours, who struggle painfully to climb ─ The Return of the Guards (1866)

It may be necessary to observe, that the Greek word, (poietes) whence poeta, and Poet, is, literally, maker; and maker, it is well know, was once the current term for poet in our language; and to write verses, was, to make. Sir Philip Sidney, speaking of the Greek word, says-"wherein, I know not whether by luck" or wisdom, we Englishmen have met with the Greeks, "in calling him Maker." Defense of Poesy. ─ Aristotle's Treatise on Poetry (1812)