The pretty Rain from those sweet Eaves — Rain-Crow

A rain-crow was surprised by the beauty of rainbow after raining.

The pretty Rain from those sweet Eaves 1
Her unintending Eyes-
Took her own Heart, including ours,
By innocent Surprise-

The wrestle in her simple Throat 5
To hold the feeling down
That vanquished her-defeated Feat-
Was Fervor's sudden Crown-
[1] Rain:: a hint on rain-crow and rainbow, hinted by throat and crown.
[3, 4] her, ours, Surprise:: all were surprised by the rainbow.
[5] wrestle, throat:: to trill, warble; a hint on a bird.
[6] hold, down:: a hint on bow for rainbow.
[7] vanquished, defeated:: by the beauty of the rainbow.
[8] Crown:: rainbow crown; crown is close to crow.

Yellow-billed American Cuckoo.—Rain Crow. Cow-bird. Bill brownish-black above, with the margin of the upper, and nearly the whole of the lower mandible yellow; margin of the eye yellow; upper parts light greenish-brown, with a tinge of grey on the head; lower parts silvery white; quills with the inner webs brownish-orange; middle tail-feathers like the back, glossed with green, the rest brownish-black, all tipped with white, that colour gradually enlarging to the outer, which, besides, has nearly the whole outer web white. ─ A Synopsis of the Birds of North America (1839)

Niagara, the great, the glorious Niagara, may hush your spirit with its ceaseless thunder; it may charm you with its robe of crested spray and rainbow crown; ─ Poems on Miscellaneous Subjects By Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1857)