But little Carmine hath her face — Lovebird

But little Carmine hath her face-
Of Emerald scant-her Gown-
Her Beauty-is the love she doth-
[1] her:: a lovebird.
[1, 2] Carmine, Emerald:: color of the bird's head and body.
[3] love:: a hint on lovebird, or love-parrot, a bird of affection to its mate.
[4] exhibit mine:: to show her love affectionately as the bird.

The beautiful little Lovebird . . . its captivity being usually relieved by the presence of its mate, (for it is customary to sell them in pairs,) to which it manifests the warmest attachment; it is very interesting to see them dress each other's plumage, caress and fondle each other, and by various actions indicate their mutual attachment. They sleep suspended with the head downwards, clinging by one foot alone. The colour is green, the outer webs of the quill-feathers being blue, and the tail being banded with a bar of lilac. ─ An Introduction to the Study of Birds (1835)