Witchcraft was hung in History — Daily Mischief

Witchcraft in the past is far away from us now, but mischievous practices like in historical plays are still needed every day. In this poem witchcraft and history appear twice with different meanings: the practices of witches in the past, and the mischief in historical plays. From historical plays, Dickinson got the mischief needed to handle people around her in everyday life.

Witchcraft was hung, in History,
But History and I
Find all the Witchcraft that we need
Around us, every Day-
[1] Witchcraft, History:: witchcraft of the past was far away from us. (Dickinson had no chance to learn it any more.)
[2] History:: a historical play (OED 6a), full of conspiracy and political fight. History and I:: Dickinson in reading historical plays.
[3] Witchcraft:: mischievous acts or words.
[3, 4] we need Around us:: the mischief that people needed.