Whose Pink career may have a close
Portentous as our own, who knows?
To imitate these Neighbors fleet
In awe and innocence, were meet.
Portentous as our own, who knows?
To imitate these Neighbors fleet
In awe and innocence, were meet.
[1] Pink:: a young salmon before it becomes a smolt (OED n.2 2a); named for its pink spots on the side.
[2] Portentous:: ill-fated, the death of salmon after eggs laid. our own:: the salmon's own fate after the return from sea.
[3] imitate, Neighbors fleet:: a fleet of salmon returning to their birthplace, imitated by the young salmon. fleet:: evanescent, shifting, passing away; not durable or lasting (OED a.1 2).
[4] Awe and innocence:: the adult salmon's awe for about to die, and the young salmon's innocence for not known their fate. meet:: they meet in the halfway assumed by the author.
The usual manner of designating the different stages of growth and changes in the condition of the Salmon is thus:-As long as it bears the red spots and finger-marks, it is known as "Pink," "Salmon-fry," "Samlet," and is sometimes yet called "Parr." When it puts on the bright coat preparatory to going to sea for the first time, it is called a "Smolt." After its return, it is a "Grilse." After its second migration, it is a "Salmon," and is ever after so called. ─ The American Angler's Book (1864)