If I should cease to bring a Rose — Death-Hunter

Death-hunter is "an undertaker, one who furnishes the necessary articles for funerals." To commemorate the roses withered, Dickinson murmured their stories to a death-hunter so tedious that he must clasp her lips.

If I should cease to bring a Rose 1
Upon a festal day,
'Twill be because beyond the Rose
I have been called away-

If I should cease to take the names 5
My buds commemorate-
'Twill be because Death's finger
Claps my murmuring lip!
[3-4] beyond, called:: beyond the rose garden, someone called her for the roses were withered.
[5-6] names, commemorate:: to commemorate her roses by naming them.
[7] Death:: Death-hunter, "an undertaker, one who furnishes the necessary articles for funerals." Grose's Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (1823)
[8] Claps, lip:: the death-hunter was boring and stopped her murmuring.

I warrant. Surely, my dear, when you were the doer of the Scandalous Chronicle, was not I death-hunter to the very same paper? ─ The Works of Samuel Foote ESQ. (1830)