Of Paradise existence — Churchyard

Man will die and be in paradise the churchyard is certain. Man will be in paradise the Heaven is uncertain.

Of Paradise' existence
All we know
Is the uncertain certainty-
But its vicinity infer,
By its Bisecting
[1] Paradise:: a churchyard or cemetery; Heaven.
[2] All we know:: to see this issue logically.
[3] certainty:: that man will die is certain, hinted by churchyard. uncertain:: if man will to Heaven after death is uncertain, a logical view.
[4] vicinity:: a church, the vicinity of a churchyard.
[5] infer:: to infer from sermons about Heaven.
[5-6] Bisecting Messenger:: a priest, divided messenger of God.

PARADISE, or PARVISE. Lat. Paradisus. Fr. Parvis. A court, portico, or atrium, in front of a church, usually surrounded with cloisters, either wholly or in part. Sometimes the term is applied to a churchyard or cemetery, or to the principal or regular cloister-garth of a monastery. Gloss. of Archit. ─ An Ecclesiastical Dictionary (1861)