It's coming-the postponeless Creature-1
It gains the Block-and now-it gains the Door-
Chooses its latch, from all the other fastenings-
Enters-with a "You know Me-Sir"?
Simple Salute-and certain Recognition-5
Bold-were it Enemy-Brief-were it friend-
Dresses each House in Crape, and Icicle-
And carries one-out of it-to God-
It gains the Block-and now-it gains the Door-
Chooses its latch, from all the other fastenings-
Enters-with a "You know Me-Sir"?
Simple Salute-and certain Recognition-5
Bold-were it Enemy-Brief-were it friend-
Dresses each House in Crape, and Icicle-
And carries one-out of it-to God-
[1] postponeless:: that may not be averted, God's will.
[2, 3] Door, Chooses:: selects the door without blood; "when I see the blood, I will pass over you." (Exodus 12:13)
[4] Enters, know Me?:: enters houses of those who didn't recognize God.
[5] certain Recognition:: confirmation of the firstborn.
[6] Enemy, friend:: neither enemy nor friend.
[7] House in Crape, Icicle:: death signs of a house.
[8] carries one out:: takes away every firstborn.
For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD. (Exodus 12:12)