Rearrange a Wife's affection — Lady Macbeth

"Unsex me here," the most famous soliloquy by Lady Macbeth, fits well to this poem. Words like Amputate Bosom, bearded like a man, and my Diadem put on, provide the clues to solve this riddle.

Rearrange a "Wife's" affection! 1
When they dislocate my Brain!
Amputate my freckled Bosom!
Make me bearded like a man!

Blush, my spirit, in thy Fastness-5
Blush, my unacknowledged clay-
Seven years of troth have taught thee
More than Wifehood every may!

Love that never leaped its socket-9
Trust entrenched in narrow pain-
Constancy thro' fire-awarded-
Anguish-bare of anodyne!

Burden-borne so far triumphant-13
None suspect me of the crown,
For I wear the "Thorns" till Sunset-
Then-my Diadem put on.

Big my Secret but it's bandaged-17
It will never get away
Till the Day its Weary Keeper
Leads it through the Grave to thee.
[1] Wife:: Lady Macbeth.
[2-4] Make me, a man:: her wish to be a man, in her famous soliloquy "unsex me here."
[2] they dislocate my Brain:: spirits converted her brain. "Come you Spirits, That tend on mortal thoughts."
[5] Blush:: shame on Macbeth, who hesitated to murder King Duncan. my spirit, thy Fastness:: Lady Macbeth agitated her husband.
[6] Blush, clay:: shame on Lady Macbeth, who was unacknowledged then as a woman.
[7] Seven years:: the play doesn't say how long they married.
[8] More than Wifehood:: her ambition was more than wifehood.
[9] Love, socket:: the love of Macbeth to Duncan, a thane to his king like socket.
[10] Trust entrenched:: trust of Duncan to Macbeth infringed. in narrow pain:: the announcement of Malcolm as "The Prince of Cumberland" was a narrow pain for Macbeth.
[11] Constancy thro' fire awarded:: the constancy of Macbeth to Duncan was due to the battles Macbeth won.
[12] Anguish:: Macbeth's suffering of the the witches' prophecy, "All hail Macbeth, that shalt be King hereafter."
[13] Burden, far triumphant:: the burden of love, trust, constancy and anguish made Macbeth far from triumphant.
[14] None suspect me of the crown:: Duncan and his nobles did not suspected Lady Macbeth in her castle.
[15] Sunset:: the death of Duncan.
[16] my Diadem put on:: Lady Macbeth became queen.
[17] my Secret:: the murder of Duncan.
[18] never get away:: the scene Lady Macbeth washed her hands; "Here's the smell of the blood still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand."
[19] Weary Keeper:: the porter, "a man were Porter of Hell Gate."
[20] Grave:: Lady Macbeth and her husband both died at the end.