Oh give it Motion deck it sweet — Frankenstein

Oh give it Motion-deck it sweet 1
With Artery and Vein-
Upon its fastened Lips lay words-
Affiance it again
To that Pink stranger we call Dust-5
Acquainted more with that
Than with this horizontal one
That will not lift its Hat-
[1] it sweet:: a female monster made by Frankenstein, who created a male first.
[1-3] Motion, Vein, Lips:: the process of how Frankenstein built the female monster.
[4] Affiance:: to promise in marriage solemnly. The male monster asked Frankenstein to make a wife for him. again:: the female monster was made of a woman dead, assuming married once.
[5] Pink:: perfect, from the view of science; or vexing. stranger:: the world and Frankenstein don't really understand the monster.
[5] Dust:: a dead body.
[7] horizontal:: produced with uniformity like in a factory; the industrialization Mary Shelley tried to accuse in this novel.
[7, 8] one, not lift its Hat:: the rude male monster.

"You must create a female for me with whom I can live in the interchange of those sympathies necessary for my being." ─ Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus (1823) by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley